What type of ads are there?

The marketplace offers you two different types of ads which you can select during ad posting or reposting. Please note that it is not possible to switch between different ad types while the ad is live. Available types are:

  1. Buying
  2. Selling

Why are there locations in dropdown and on map?

When selecting a location from the dropdown, you are selecting the general location of your advert. Selecting your location on the map allows you to be more precise. If the location search of the marketplace is set to geolocation, people who search by location will find your ad more easily. 

Location search of the marketplace can also be set as a list of predefined values in which case values from the dropdown are being used.

How do I contact a seller?

In order to retrieve the phone number of a seller, go to their profile page or any of their ads and you will notice a block with a phone number.

If you wish to start a conversation with a seller, be sure to create an account first. Once you have created your account, navigate to any of their ads and you will notice an option to send a message. A list of your messages to other users is available on your profile. Here you have access to the FindIt FixIt messaging system which allows you to continue conversations with fellow users.

How does the review system work?

There are two types of reviews – those from a buyer and those from a seller. The first step before being able to review another user is to register on our marketplace. Next, you will need to send a message to a seller. Once the seller responds to your message you will be able to review the seller and the seller will be able to review you.

When users visit your profile they will be able to see your overall review, a complete list of your reviews and to filter them by type.

Once you post a review it cannot be changed. Both you and the seller will be able to respond to a review.

What are featured ads?

If you have found an ad you wish to visit later or to contact a seller at a later date, you can mark it as a ‘favourite’ and it will be saved to a list of your favourite ads which you can access from your profile dashboard.

How do I report an ad?

If you feel that an ad is breaching our rules and standards, you can report it directly from the ad page by clicking on the ‘report’ option. Please be sure to include a detailed reason as to why you are reporting the ad. The ad will remain active until an administrator reviews the complaint.